Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mr Right

別人說終於可以找到自己的Mr Right,我暗自問「怎樣才可以知道那人就是自己的Mr Right?」,我要怎麼看才可以清楚那人就是跟自己走到終老的人?

最近也是看着同一本書,《Mars and Venus Starting Over》 by John Gray, Ph.D. 其中有一句:

"When we try to make each other right, we end up creating problems.  We either change ourselves too much to fulfill our partner's needs, or they try to change themselves too much.  For a marriage to succeed, we need to feel we can be more of ourselves and not less.  If one partner has to give up who they are to make the other happy, it cannot work."

當你跟他在一起的時候所表現的是最自然的自己,而不是刻意遷就,不過份造作,是最真摯、坦然的個性;當然他是必然的、依然是毫無保留的愛你、接受你;那他就是你的Mr Right.

Mr Right, where are you?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


"don't try to write anything back to argue with me point by point to tell me what i said wrong or right"


